Getting Started

Send Your First Email

At this point, you should have completed the following:

  1. Linked your Amazon SES account to
  2. Connected to your database
  3. Created an audience
  4. Crafted an email template

You're now ready to send your first email!

  1. Navigate to the Send page.
  2. Select the audience you wish to target.
  3. Choose your email template.
  4. Compose a Subject for your email.
    • You can incorporate variables into your subject just as you would in an email template. For instance: Welcome to, {{first_name}}!
  5. Optionally (but recommended), fill in the From: Name field. This is the name that will appear in the recipient's mailbox alongside your email, typically your full name or your company's name.
    • Using this field is recommended as it can help foster trust with the recipient and decrease your chances of being bounced or filtered as spam.
  6. Pick an identity from the From: Email dropdown.
    • If you select a full email address, you're all set.
    • If you choose a domain name, you'll need to provide the username of the email address (for example, noreply).
  7. Optionally (but recommended), set the To: First name and To: Last name fields. These will be dropdowns of the available columns based on your audience SQL query.
    • Filling in these fields is suggested as it can help establish trust with the recipient by demonstrating a pre-existing familiarity.
  8. Lastly, you're prepared to review the details and hit send.
    • Click the Randomize preview button to verify the data is populating correctly and the preview appears as expected.
    • Consider sending a test email by clicking the Send test email button, where you can specify the email address and parameters.
  9. The only thing left is to click Send email. Congratulations!